post written by: Angel
All around the world, the present moment is filled with beauty.“Happiness, not in another place but this place…
not for another hour, but this hour.”
―Walt Whitman
If you are attentive, you will see it. If you are willing, you will help create it.
Let’s take a moment to think about the beautiful things happening around us.
Right now, at this exact moment…
- A newborn infant just took her first breath.
- Two teenage romantics just received their very first kiss, from each other.
- Someone is driving their car with the windows down and singing to their favorite song at the top of their lungs.
- Volunteers in different cities are actively assisting and standing up for the powerless, the homeless, and the neglected who need someone to speak up for them.
- Someone is in the middle of complimenting a stranger who desperately needed a reason to smile.
- Two coworkers are cracking each other up and laughing so hard they aren’t even making any noise.
- A high school guidance counselor is contributing her time, encouragement, and a listening ear to help a student realize his passion and ability.
- People near and far are holding hands with the person they love.
- A husband and wife who were drowning in debt ten years ago proudly hold a balance of zero on all their lines of credit.
- Someone is going above and beyond and doing a little extra work to make someone else’s life a little easier.
- People from all over the world are online at crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe pledging online donations to help strangers in need.
- Responsible designated drivers are getting their friends home safely.
- A student tutor is volunteering her time to help a fellow student learn.
- Someone who has struggled with their weight for years is looking down at the scale, smiling.
- A long-term alcoholic just celebrated exactly one full year of sobriety.
- Somewhere someone is admiring a breathtaking sunrise, and somewhere else a surreal sunset.
- A friend is helping a friend rise above feelings of depression and suicide.
- Someone is holding the door open for the person behind them.
- A Good Samaritan is pulled over on the side of the road assisting a stranger who’s having car trouble.
- Someone is celebrating the fact that they just broke their own personal best record.
- An active duty military member stationed overseas just received an email from a loved one.
- Hundreds of people are spending a few clicks of their time online at Free Rice.
- Someone just accidentally overheard someone else say something nice about them.
- An emergency room surgeon just saved her patient’s life.
- Two best friends are hugging each other after being apart for a while.
- Honest people are working tirelessly at various government agencies to help protect the basic human rights and civil liberties of their fellow citizens.
- Someone who suffered from a severe injury a while back is back on their feet.
- Several of the world’s next great inventors, artists and entrepreneurs are working diligently on perfecting their breakthrough ideas and crafts.
- Someone is sitting quietly and smiling about the fact that there’s nowhere else in the world they would rather be right now.
- Somewhere on the Internet someone is writing an encouraging comment on a blog post that will make others smile.
========================================================================================== The Secret to Getting Really Good at Promoting Referral Items: Join, Promote, Earn cash
1. You’ve got to have a website or a blog, of course the easiest and most practical Way to Promote Referral Items.
2. With this in place, join various network sites hosting merchants' products/services. There's usually no charge. You join; you get your own referral link code, so that you can send people to the destination with your own code branded into it. This way, the merchant can determine that the sale was originated by you and you earn a commission.
3. Choose from the more popular sites for information and/or hard products or services. Many of the products or services offer very generous commissions.
4. You can also examine the links that appear on this page and join the sites. We have spent the time and put in much effort to create for you something extraordinary! Go to the websites, relax, watch the videos, and get ready...they Can Easily Make you Financially Independent and many more!. You will have more reliable ones as you continue to hang on with
5. Once you joined, just do a search in the network company to find your favorite product/service.
6. Grab your code and promotional creative, text, banners, etc.
7. Place the link on your website.
8. Go ahead and promote your website. You should get many visitors to your website in order to be able to get enough sales.
9. Do a review of the product/service of your website and make a recommendation. A very good way is to review products/services and point out their pros and cons and rate them according to their quality.
10. Even better is to have your own experience with that product/service and share it with your visitors.
11. Only a small number of your visitors are likely to follow your advice and buy and this also provided that you've done an honest and good job promoting it.
12. You should take a look from time to time in the stats in your account at the network company to see how you perform. The good thing is that you don't necessarily have to deal with the merchants. You can just join a reliable and reputable network hosting the products/services and doing all the work for you.

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