Tuesday 2 April 2013

3 Reasons to Quit Your Job in order to Advance Your Career

post written by: Marc

A routine personal assessment of your career goals and career path directly correlates to a successful and rewarding profession in corporate America.  One must continually learn, adapt, network, evolve and progress.  Once this cycle begins to stagnate, changes must be made to ensure continual knowledge development and job advancement.  Since higher salaries are usually tied to advanced job positions, maintaining this cycle is essential in a person’s ability to increase their income producing power.
personal growthDaily Blog Tips posted an article entitled “7 Reasons to Quit Your Job” a few months back.  The article discusses 7 reasons why someone should quit their job in an effort to pursuit alternative career advancement.  While the article is well written and passionate, it is also completely one dimensional based on the “work for yourself” viewpoint the author takes.  The points made are valid, but let’s face it, not everyone wants to go into business for themselves.  Some people are content with the corporate America exchange of hours for dollars.
Self employment is only one of many possible courses for career progression.  Thus, there are many other reasons to reevaluate your current job in a proactive effort to realign your career goals.  After a thorough assessment of your current job position and your future career ambitions, here are 3 general reasons why you should quit your job:
  1. You Dislike Your Job – No matter how much you get paid or how elite your job title is, the ultimate question is, are you happy?  A good majority of our waking hours are spent working.  Life seems a bit of a waste if you don’t enjoy that time.
  2. You Are Not Learning – If you aren’t continually expanding your skill set and adapting to new technologies and processes, you will become an undesirable candidate for advanced job placement in the eyes of all employers.  Never forget the old adage, knowledge is power.  Your career progression relies heavily on your ability to master new skills.
  3. You Are Pigeonholed - If your employer classifies or categorizes you in a way that inhibits your ability to grow, it’s time to take immediate action.  Pigeonholing means that your employer has set up boundaries around you.  These boundaries restrain you from moving around within the company.  Usually motivated by the inaccurate perception management has concerning an employee, these perceptions are usually all that matters when promotion time comes around.  Are potential career opportunities with your current employer passing right over you?  Are you being skipped over on positions you want to be a part of?
You are the only person that cares about your personal growth.  It’s up to you, and only you, to make it happen.  Be crystal clear on your personal goals for growth and be aware of how that growth fits into your employer’s objectives.  Make sure you professionally convey these goals to the right people.  Managing personal career growth is a continual proactive process of re-evaluating your goals and suitably aligning them to the goals of your employer.  If you aren’t being proactive, you are being reactive, and you will be unprepared to take action when career growth opportunities arise.  If you have been diligent and your current employer still resists your motivation… it’s time to move on.

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