post written by: Marc Chernoff
Experience. Dream. Risk. Close your eyes, jump, and enjoy the free fall. Choose exhilaration over predictability. Choose growth over comfort. Choose potential over safety. Wake up to the magic of life.
Make friends with your intuition. Trust your gut. Discover the beauty of uncertainty. Know yourself fully before you make promises to others. Make lots of mistakes so that you will know how to discern what you truly need.
Learn when to hold on and when to let go. Love hard and often and without reservation. Seek knowledge. Open yourself to possibility. Keep your heart honest, your head high, and your spirit free. Embrace your darkness along with your light. Be wrong every once in a while, and be okay with it.
Awaken to the brilliance in ordinary moments. Live the truth no matter what the cost. Own your reality without apology. See goodness in the world. Be Bold. Be Fierce. Be grateful. Be wild, crazy, and gloriously free.
Go now and add more life to your years. Here are few ways to do just that:
Be you. – There’s no better freedom than the freedom to be yourself. Give yourself that gift, and choose to surround yourself with those who appreciate your decision. Don’t let someone change who you are, to become what they need. Be you in the beautiful way only you can, to become what you need.
- Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. – The amount of abuse you tolerate in a partner is equal to the amount of abuse
you heap on yourself. If you are used to telling yourself that you’re
ugly, that you are destined to fail, and that you’re not capable of
performing in the world without someone holding your hand, then you will
accept, and feel most comfortable with, a partner who reinforces these
same negative beliefs. Read The Mastery of Love
- Breathe your passion. – It’s not what we do every once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. There is a proverb that says, “He who half breathes, half lives.” Writing is my breath, so I breathe it every day. Whatever your breath is, breathe it deeply and consistently so that you may live wholly.
- Act out of love. – Love your life to the fullest. Love is natural. When we do not act out of love, it goes against our very nature. That choice results in emotional, mental, and even physical pain. Love heals the pain that was caused by the absence of it. Always act out of love.
- Make your gratitude list longer than your worry list.
– Don’t let a bad moment ruin your day. Think of it as a bad minute,
not a bad day, and you’ll be okay. Stress thrives when your worry list
is longer than your gratitude list. Happiness thrives when your
gratitude list is longer than your worry list. So find something to be
thankful for. And remember, pretending to be happy when you’re
struggling is just a small example of how strong you are as a person.
When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Because without
the rain there would be no rainbow. Read Tuesdays with Morrie
- Keep your mind wide open. – Make a promise to yourself. Promise to stop the drama before it begins, to breathe deeply and peacefully, and to love others and yourself without conditions. Promise to laugh at your own mistakes, and to realize that no one is perfect; we are human. Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible. All of us are imperfect, so there’s no point judging each other or ourselves. In the understanding of this truth lies our perfection.
- Take chances. – Take lots of them. Because
honestly, no matter where you end up and with whom, it always ends up
just the way it should be. Stop regretting things and start accepting
them as the teachers they are. Your most significant opportunities will
be found in times of great difficulty. Your mistakes make you who you
are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth
it. Listen to your heart. Continue to follow your path, and be okay
with the challenges that lie ahead. Read The Last Lecture
- Let go of old wounds. – Change can be terrifying, yet healing requires change. Sometimes you have to find the good in goodbye. Because the past is a place of reference, not a place of residence. Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars on the playground: You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
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