Wednesday, 28 May 2014

10 Things You Need to Say Before it’s Too Late

post written by: Marc Chernoff

10 Things You Need to Say Before it's Too Late
Be brave.  Say what you need to say.  When you don’t speak up, there’s a lot of important stuff that ends up not getting said.
About a decade ago a coworker of mine died in a car accident on the way home from work.  During his funeral several people from the office were in tears, saying kind things like, “I loved him.  We all loved him so much.  He was such a wonderful person.”  Of course, I started crying too.  But I couldn’t help but wonder if these people had told him that they loved him while he was alive, or whether it was only with death that this powerful word, “love,” had been used without question or hesitation.
I vowed to myself then and there that I would never again hesitate to speak up to the people I care about and remind them of how much I appreciate them.  They deserve to know they give meaning to my life.  They deserve to know I think the world of them.
But this wake-up call taught me something even bigger than that.  Not only did it teach me to speak up to others, it taught me to speak up to myself too, about my attitude, my self-respect, my dreams, and so forth.  Because the harsh truth is, we never know.  We never know when everything will change.  When great opportunities will pass.  When everything we take for granted will be taken away.  We don’t know when later will be too late.
Don’t let this reality depress you; let it motivate you.  Let it push you to say what you’ve been meaning to say all along, to others and to yourself…
  1. “I love you.” – Love rarely ever knows it’s own depth until it’s taken away.  So don’t wait around.  If you appreciate someone today, tell them.  If you love someone today, show them.  Hearts are often confused and broken by thoughtful words left unspoken, and loving deeds left undone.  There might not be a tomorrow.  Today is the day to express your love and admiration.
  2. “Thank you.” – For my 17th birthday, many moons ago, my grandfather on my mom’s side gave me four used flannel shirts he no longer needed.  The shirts were barely worn and in flawless condition, and my grandfather told me he thought they would look great on me.  Sadly, I thought they were an odd gift at the time and I wasn’t thankful.  I looked at him skeptically, gave him a crooked half-smile, and moved on to the other gifts sitting in front of me.  My grandfather died two days later from a sudden heart attack.  The flannel shirts were the last gifts he ever gave me.  I regret the small thing I didn’t say when I had the chance: “Thank you Grandpa.  That’s so thoughtful of you.”
  3. “I am a good person who is worthy of my own love and respect.” – Human beings can withstand a week without water, two weeks without food, many years of homelessness… but not loneliness.  It is the worst of all agonies.  And what’s the worst kind of loneliness?  The kind you can’t escape – when you are uncomfortable with yourself.  The truth is, a partner, or even just a friend, can add lots of beauty to your life, but they can’t fill a void that exists within you.  You alone are responsible for you own fulfillment.  If you feel hopelessly lonely whenever you’re alone, it means you’re in bad company.  It means you need to work on your relationship with yourself first.
  4. “I can’t always win, but I can always learn and grow.” – Don’t confuse poor decision-making with your destiny.  Own your mistakes.  It’s OK; we all make them.  Learn from life experiences so they can empower you!  What we call our destiny is really just our character, and that character can be enriched.  The knowledge that you are responsible for your actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging either, because it means you are free to change your destiny.  Yes, the past has shaped your feelings and perspectives, but all this can be altered if you have the courage to reexamine how it formed you.  You can always alter your chemistry provided you have the courage to dissect your elements.
  5. “It’s time to do something positive.” – The next time you have the urge to complain, stop and ask yourself what it is you truly want.  Do you just want to complain or do you want to improve your situation?  Somewhere within each complaint is a genuine desire to improve things, but the complaint by itself is never enough to make it happen.  So make the choice not to aggravate a bad situation with your complaints.  Choose instead to improve it with your positive thoughts, ideas and actions.
  6. “I CAN do this!” – The obstacle is never enough to stop you.  What stops you is your belief that you can’t get past the obstacle.  The problem is not that you have too much of this or too little of that.  The problem is, you’re waiting for perfect conditions that don’t exist.  The achievements that really occur in life, take place in reality.  The things that really get done, get done in an imperfect world.  Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done.  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.  There will always be challenges.  And there will always be things you can do to grow beyond them.  (Read Start: Punch Fear in the Face)
  7. “Their drama is NOT mine to deal with.” – Honestly, you can’t save most people from themselves, so don’t get sucked too deep into their drama.  Those who make perpetual chaos of their lives won’t appreciate you interfering with the commotion they’ve created, anyway.  They want your “poor baby” sympathy, but they don’t want to change.  They don’t want their lives fixed by YOU.  They don’t want their problems solved, their emotional addictions and distractions taken away, their stories resolved, or their messes cleaned up.  Because what would they have left?  They don’t know and they aren’t ready to know yet.  And it’s not your job to tell them.
  8. “I’m sorry.” – In this life, when you deny someone an apology, you remember doing so when you find yourself begging for forgiveness.  And if often happens just like that.  Why?  Because guilt festers.  Don’t do this to yourself.  An apology is the best way to have the last word.  The first to apologize is the strongest, and the first to move forward is the happiest.  Always.  And of course, don’t bother apologizing if you’re just going to continue doing the things you said sorry for.  Say it and mean it.  Look the person in the eyes when you say it, and feel it in your bones.
  9. “I forgive you.” – A broken relationship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was.  But, of course, this isn’t always the case.  So remember that forgiveness doesn’t necessarily lead to healed relationships.  That’s not the point.  Some relationships aren’t meant to be.  Forgive anyway, for your own sake, and then let what’s meant to be, BE.  Forgiveness allows you to focus on the future without combating the past.  Without forgiveness, wounds can never be healed, and progress can never be made.  What happened in the past is just one chapter.  Don’t close the book; just turn the page.  (Read Loving What Is.)
  10. “Life right now is pretty darn good.” – Some people wait all day for 5pm, all week for Friday, all year for the holidays, all their lives for happiness.  Don’t be one of them.  Don’t wait until your life is almost over to realize how good it has been.  The good life begins right now, when you stop waiting for a better one.

Your turn…

Sit quietly with yourself, and ask, “What will I regret never saying, to those I love, and to myself?”  Once you have it figured out, leave us a comment below and let us know what you’re going to say.
Photo by: Vinoth Chandar

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Thursday, 22 May 2014

6 Questions that Will Save Your Relationships

post written by: Angel Chernoff

6 Questions that Will Save Your Relationships
When you don’t ask sincere questions and talk it out, there’s a lot of important stuff that ends up never getting said.


“Hey, what’s going on?” Marc asked.
“Not much,” I said.  “And how was your day?”
“It was OK,” Marc said…
And just like that our conversation would be over.  For the longest time, this is exactly how Marc and I initiated conversations with each other at the end of long workdays.
Sure, we greeted each other and asked a couple questions, but they weren’t the right questions.  They were meaningless inquires that were stale and thoughtless.  And, not surprisingly, our conversations went nowhere.  Which, in time, ended up hurting our relationship.
Thankfully, before it was too late, we learned to communicate more effectively.  We learned that if we really wanted to deepen our relationship – if we really cared to know what’s going on in each other’s heads and hearts – we needed to ask better questions, and then really listen to each other’s answers.
Specifically, we learned that we needed to ask questions that carry this fundamental message:  “I’m not just checking the box here.  I’m asking you because I really care how you feel and what you have to say.  I really want to know YOU.”
So today, we want to help you ask questions that will save your relationships from a lot of grief.  The bottom line is, if you don’t want to have shallow, meaningless conversations with the important people in your life, you can’t ask shallow, meaningless questions.  A thoughtful, caring question is a key that will unlock the closed doors inside the people you love.
And although Marc and I learned this the hard way, we’re happy we learned.  We don’t ask shallow questions anymore, like, “What’s going on?”  After several years of practicing more mindful question-asking, we now find ourselves naturally asking questions that strengthen our relationship.  Let’s take a look at some examples…

1.  What made you feel good about yourself today?

Ask a loved one this question to help them celebrate what’s right about their life, right now.
It goes without saying, not every day will be good, but there will always be something good about every day.  The key is to notice these things and celebrate them.  We must train our minds to see the good.  Positivity is a choice.  The happiness of our lives, and our relationships, depends on the quality of our thoughts.  When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change how we think about it.  And the first step is celebrating what CAN be celebrated – the lessons, the laughs, and the love we’ve experienced along the way.
And best of all, when you help a loved one celebrate these things, your gesture, in and of itself, becomes something worth celebrating and smiling about.

2.  What has been making you feel alone and unworthy?

This is a difficult question to ask, and an even more difficult one to answer.  But it’s worth it.
Sometimes we feel as though the world is crashing down around us, as if the pain we are experiencing is unique only to us in the moment.  This, of course, is far from the truth.  We are all in this together.  The very demons that torment each of us, torment all of us.  It is our challenges and troubles that connect us at the deepest level.  Once we accept this, our relationships become a place where we can look each other in the eye and say, “I’m lost and struggling at the moment,” and we can nod back at each other and say, “Me too,” …and that’s OK.  Because not being “OK” all the time, is perfectly OK.
If you think about the people who have had the greatest positive effect on your life – the ones who truly made a difference – you will likely realize that they aren’t the ones that tried to give you all the answers or solve all your problems.  They’re the ones who sat silently with you when you needed a moment to think, who lent you a shoulder when you needed to cry, and who tolerated not having all the answers, but stood beside you anyway.  Be this person for those you care about every chance you get.

3.  What have I done recently that helped you feel loved and appreciated?

This is a great question, not only to ask someone you care about, but also to ask yourself.  Think about it.  How ARE you showing your love and appreciation?
If you struggle with this question in any way, here’s a wake-up call for you:  No matter how sure you are of someone’s love, it is always nice to be reminded of it.  Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious phenomenon in the world, and it should be expressed as such.  When you truly love someone, be loving in words and deeds every single day.  Don’t beat around the bush.  Be straightforward.
If you appreciate someone today, tell them.  If you adore someone today, show them.  Hearts are often confused and broken by thoughtful words left unspoken, and loving deeds left undone.  There might not be a tomorrow.  Today is the day to express your love and admiration.  (Read The 5 Love Languages.)

4.  What scares you about our relationship?

Truth be told, what often scares us the most is our vulnerability – how we are unavoidably vulnerable to each other when we choose to be in a relationship.  So discuss this fact openly.  Clear the air with the people you care about.
Consider the fact that all of us are subconsciously hardwired to connect with each other – through friendship, love, intimacy, and so forth – and your willingness to be vulnerable is the gateway to the affection you crave.  But it takes serious courage to push the limits of your vulnerability, to dig deeper and deeper into the core of who you are as an individual, and not only love and accept the imperfect parts of yourself, but also expose them to someone else, trusting that this person will hold them lovingly.
Ultimately, to love is to be vulnerable, and to be willing to be vulnerable is to show your absolute greatest strength and your truest self.  Finding and nurturing the right relationships that make this kind of love possible is a beautiful, lifelong process.

5.  How much have you loved yourself lately?

No one in this world can expect anyone else to love and respect them more than they are willing to love and respect themself.  Period.
So, if you want to awaken happiness in a relationship, start by living a life that makes you happy and then radiate your happiness into your relationship.  If you want to eliminate suffering in a relationship, start by eliminating the dark and negative parts of yourself, and then radiate your positivity into your relationship.  Truly, the greatest power you have in this world is the power of your own self-transformation.  All the positive change you seek in any relationship starts with the one in the mirror.
Decide this minute to never again beg anyone for the love, respect, and attention that you should be showing yourself.  Today, look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you, and from now on I’m going to act like it.”  It’s important to be nice to others, but it’s even more important to be nice to yourself.
When we practice self-love and self-respect, we give ourselves the opportunity to be happy.  When we are happy, we become better friends, better family members, and better lovers.  

6.  What else hasn’t been asked or discussed?

This is a simple question you have to ask yourself, as it leads to other relevant questions you might ask a person you’re in a relationship with.  It’s about tapping into what you already know is going on in their life.
For example, if your husband had a big meeting today, you might ask, “How did you feel during the meeting today?”  Or if your daughter has been talking about a new friend, ask her, “What did you say to your new friend during recess today?”  Or if you know a friend’s mom is fighting cancer, don’t avoid the topic, address it directly: “How is your mom’s chemo going?”
At the end of the day, you can’t be afraid to dive deeper and have certain conversations.  Remember that questions are like gifts –  it’s the thought behind them that the receiver feels.  We have to know the receiver well enough to give the right gifts and ask the right questions.  Generic gifts and questions are all right, but personal gifts and questions feel better.  Because love is personal.  The more attention and time you give to the questions you ask, the more beautiful the answers will become, and the stronger and stronger your relationships will grow.

Your turn…

Marc and I thought it would be fitting to end this post by asking YOU a question.  So please leave a comment below and let us know…
What’s one question you need to start asking the people you love, more often?
Photo by: Darrell Godliman

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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

9 Things Happy Couples Never Think

post written by: Marc Chernoff

 9 Things Happy Couples Never Think
“There cannot be a relationship unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is understanding, patience, and persistence.”
―Cornel West
It’s easy to make a relationship more difficult than it really is.  Angel and I work with coaching clients every day who do just that.  But we don’t try to change their relationships, instead we help them change the way they think about their relationships.  And that’s precisely what I want to touch on in today’s post.
If you feel like your relationship is sinking, it’s a perfect time to get rid of some thoughts that may be weighing it down.
Here are nine such thoughts to stop thinking, for your relationship’s sake:
   1.  “My relationship with him/her will solve all MY problems.” The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.  If you’re not comfortable enough with your own inner truth when entering a relationship, then you’re not ready for that relationship.  Because you are incapable of loving another unless you love yourself, just as you are incapable of teaching someone else something unless you yourself understand it.
Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of someone else loving you.

2.  “We should be the center of each other’s universe.”

A good relationship happens when two people accept each other’s past, support each other’s present, and encourage each other’s future, without trying to micromanage any of part it.  So don’t rush relationships, especially those that feel overbearing.  Find a partner, and friends for that matter, who encourage you to grow, who won’t cling to you, who will let you go out into the world, and trust that you will come back.  And always pay them the same courtesy.  This is what true love and real friendship is all about, and it’s always worth waiting for.

3.  “Good relationships are always easygoing.”

Wrong…  Good relationships require work.  Good relationships require sacrifice and compromise.  True love in both dating relationships and marriages are not about being there when it’s convenient, these relationships are about being there when it’s not.  Even if you can’t seem to walk that mile in your partner’s shoes, you are still capable of walking beside them to be a supporter until the day they learn to smile again.  (Read The Friendship Factor.)

4.  “I need to do whatever it takes to be loved.”

Sometimes we try to show the world that we are flawless in hopes that we will be loved and accepted more.  But we can’t please the people we love by being someone other than who we are, and we shouldn’t try.  Loving someone should not mean losing YOU.  True love empowers you, it doesn’t erase you.
The beauty of us lies in our vulnerability, our sincerity, our complex emotions, and our authentic imperfections.  When we embrace who we are and decide to be authentic, instead of perfect, we open ourselves up to real relationships, real happiness, and real success.  Thus, happy couples accept each other just the way they are.  There is no need to put on a mask.  There is no need to pretend to be someone you’re not.  You are more than enough just by being YOU.

5.  “Forgiveness isn’t necessary.”

Whoever said revenge is sweet never tasted the sweetness of forgiveness.
Love is living your own life, but sharing it.  And this requires constant forgiveness.  It’s making a million mistakes and turning them into learning experiences.  Love is patience, optimism, and sometimes it’s a simple hug when there is nothing left to say.
But remember, forgiveness isn’t just for your current happy relationships.  You have to forgive your past failed relationships too.  Yes, that’s right, you have to forgive them.  You don’t have to like them, you don’t have to be friends with them, you don’t have to spend time with them ever again, but you have to forgive – to let go, to let it rest, to let bygones be bygones.  By not forgiving you are forcing yourself to carry bricks from your past relationship failures forward with you into all your present and future relationship interactions.  And by doing this, you inevitably build the same flawed relationship structures that fell apart before.

6.  “I don’t have time for them today.”

If you neglect your relationship, your relationship will neglect you too.  So realize that today will never come again.  Be a blessing.  Be a friend.  Be there for the one who matters most.  Make a difference.  Take time to care.  Tell your significant other how special they are.  Do something that encourages a smile and a brighter day.  By doing so, you will not only help them, you will help yourself too.  Because when you seek to inspire happiness in someone close to you, you will not only find it, you will become it.

7.  “They should change for me.”

The biggest mistake is believing there is only one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation, or to have a relationship.
The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated as is.  Sometimes we try to be sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image of what we want them to be – what we think we need, love, or desire.  But these actions and perceptions are against reality, against their benefit and ours, and always end in disappointment – because it does not fit them.  The beginning of love is to let those we care about be perfectly themselves, and not to distort them to fit our own image.  Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves that we see in them.

8.  “It’s just easier if I keep my feelings to myself right now.”

There is no day but today.  Say what you need to say.  Share your love openly and honestly with your other half, right now.
Realize that, no matter what, you’re going to lose important people in your life.  No matter how much time you spend with someone, or how much you appreciate them, sometimes it will never seem like you had enough time together.  So don’t learn this lesson the hard way.  Express your love.  Tell the one you love what you need to tell them.  Don’t shy away from important conversations because you feel awkward or uncomfortable.  You never know when you might lose your opportunity for good.  (Read The Last Lecture.)

9.  “All relationships can and should be fixed and maintained.”

It may sound harsh, but not every couple was meant to be a couple.  And that’s OK.  It’s always better to be alone with dignity than in a relationship that constantly requires you to sacrifice your happiness and self-respect.
Although not all relationships are meant to be, there are no failed relationships, because every person in your life has a lesson to teach.  Sometimes you simply outgrow people.  Sometimes you just have to accept it and move on.  Do what you can, but don’t kill yourself trying to fix the unfixable.
When someone leaves your life, it’s important to emotionally release them.  Know in your heart that it’s not an ending – it’s a new beginning.  It just means that their part in your story is over.  Your story will go on…
Think about it.  How many people don’t get the one they want, but end up with the one they’re supposed to be with?


Good relationships don’t just happen – they take time, patience and two people who truly want to work to be a part of something bigger than themselves.  Relationships like this are not just about sharing laughs when times are easy; they’re about the commitment to fight through and overcome all the hard times together too.  In the end, happy couples think clearly, collaborate willingly, and don’t let expectations and negativity get in the way of the bond they share.

Your turn…

In your experience, what are some common misunderstandings, or thinking traps, that hurt intimate relationships?  Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with the community.
Photo by: Y-a-n

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20 Tiny Thoughts Crushing Your Biggest Dreams

post written by: Marc Chernoff

   20 Tiny Thoughts Crushing Your Biggest Dreams
It is ultimately only our own thoughts that hurt us.
The mind is your battleground.  It’s the place where the greatest conflict resides.  It’s where half of the things you thought were going to happen, never did happen.  But if you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your life.  You will think yourself into a nervous breakdown, into depression, and into defeat.  I know because I’ve been there.
What can be done?  To start, say this to yourself every morning when you first wake up:
“I’m letting go of all the negative feelings, fears and thoughts from yesterday.  I have no room for them!  I will focus only on positive thoughts and resolutions today.”
And then practice what you preach.  It will gradually make a difference in your life, guaranteed.
Because truthfully, there is so much about your fate that you can’t control, it makes no sense to neglect all the things you CAN control.  You can decide how you spend your time, whom you socialize with, whom you share your life, money and energy with.  You can pick your words and the tone of voice in which you speak to others.  You can select what you will eat, read and study every day.  You can choose how you’re going to respond to unfortunate situations when they arise, and whether you will see them as curses or opportunities for growth…
And most importantly, you can choose your thoughts, which dictate pretty much everything else.
Train your mind to see the good in everything.  Positivity is a choice.  The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
In other words, you are what you think.  You can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking.
Here are twenty thoughts it’s time to change:
  1. “My dreams and goals can wait.” – Live a life you are proud of.  In the end, your greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things that don’t matter to you.  We never tell ourselves that we will never live our dreams.  Instead we just keep talking about how we will start living our dreams tomorrow.
  2. “I don’t have time.” – Bottom line: “I don’t have time,” is really just another, perhaps politer, or perhaps naive, way of saying, “It’s not that important to me.”
  3. “I’m not talented enough.” – Learn the value of work and practice – just the repeated concerted effort to get better at things.  Forget the notions of talent and genius.  I can hear you thinking, “Oh, these other people, they just have something that I don’t have.”  When really, they are just people who work and practice more.  Understand this.  Work and practice are the keys to anything you want to do.  If you want to play the guitar – anybody can learn to play the guitar – you can be good at it.  Maybe you won’t be Jimi Hendrix, but you could be really good.  You can be good enough to write good songs or make music with others or whatever.  There’s no such thing as not having enough talent to get to that level.  Because persistence is talent, really.  Just sticking with it.  Talent is not stopping.  (Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.)
  4.  “This problem is too big to solve.” – The problem is not the problem.  The problem is the incredible amount of over-thinking you’re doing with the problem.  Let it go and be free.
  5. “I’m not ready yet.” – The truth is nobody ever feels ready when an opportunity arises.  Because great opportunities in life force us to grow emotionally and intellectually.  They force us to stretch ourselves and our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel comfortable at first.  And when we don’t feel comfortable, we don’t feel ready.  But that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes the course of our lives depends on what we do or don’t do in a few seconds, a heartbeat, when we either seize an opportunity, or just miss it.  Miss the moment and you may never get a chance again.  So in case you never get a second chance, don’t be afraid!  And what if you do get a second chance?  Take it!  It’s as simple as that.
  6. “I knew I wasn’t good enough.” – Your struggle is part of your story.  Being rejected from something you want often means you are being directed toward something you need.
  7. “I’m a failure.” – Not trying is failing.  Everything else is just practice.  It’s OK if you mess up, that’s how you get wiser.  Give yourself a break.  And don’t give up!  Good things take time, and you’re getting there, one step at a time.
  8. “I just want everything to be easy.” – In every adversity there is a message.  Struggles and crises are nature’s way of forcing change – breaking down old structures, shaking loose negative habits so that something new and better can grow in their place.  So remember, just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing.  Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there.  
  9.  “They have it so much easier than me.” – No one has it easier than you.  Every one of us is fighting our own private battles.  The strongest among us aren’t those who show strength we can see, but those who have won incredible inner battles we know nothing about.
  10. “I have nothing to be thankful for.” – Choose positivity today.  If you’re struggling to be thankful for what you have, think for a moment and be thankful for what you’ve escaped.  Honestly, it doesn’t really matter if your glass is half empty or half full.  Be thankful that you have a glass and that there’s something in it.
  11. “I have too many flaws.” – Wrong.  When you’re comfortable in your skin, even your flaws look beautiful.  And once you’ve embraced your flaws, no one can use them against you.
  12. “They don’t have what it takes either.” – We have enough critics.  Be an encourager.  One sincere word of encouragement after failure is worth more than a day of praise after success.  So start cheering for the people around you.  Not only will they feel empowered, but also what goes around comes around, and sooner or later the people you’re cheering for will start cheering for you too.
  13. “I don’t have time for anyone else.” – One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity.  Connect with those around you today.  Say, “I love you,” “I apologize,” “I appreciate you,” “I’m proud of you”… whatever you’re feeling.  Send random emails and texts, write a friendly note, embrace your truth and share it.  Create a smile today for someone else… and give plenty of hugs.  This connectedness will strengthen you.
  14. “My closest relationships can wait.” – If you never stop to enjoy who’s beside you, someday you’ll realize you’ve wasted all your years looking for something, a sort of trophy you think you’ll get only if you really, really do enough to deserve it.  But then one day you’ll wake up and not want it anymore; you’ll want something else, something warm and sheltering, something you can turn to, regardless of what you do, regardless of who you have ultimately become.  Something that will just be there, always, like tomorrow’s morning sky.  And the only way to create this “something” is to nurture the amazing people in your life.
  15. “I can break my promise just this once.” – Be committed.  Commitment means staying loyal and keeping your promises, long after the time and mood you made the promises in has left you.  Doing so is vital to relationships and long-term success in every imaginable walk of life.
  16.  “One little lie couldn’t hurt.” – Lying is a vicious disease.  It spreads quickly.  And liars are the only people who expect acknowledgment for being honest.  Don’t be one of them.  Don’t lie.  Do the right thing, even if you are the only one who knows.
  17. “They care about me, but they are just too busy to keep their promises.” – It may be hard to accept, but when you are important to another person, they will always find a way to make time for you – no excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.
  18.  “I refuse to cry.” – We need never be ashamed of our tears.  Do not apologize or feel ashamed for crying.  Without this emotion, you are only a robot.  Crying is one of the highest devotional songs.  The ones who know crying, know what it means to be spiritual.  If you can cry with a pure heart – through forgiveness and acceptance – nothing else compares to such a prayer.  Crying includes all the core principles of humanity.  (Read Daring Greatly.)
  19.  “I refuse to forgive.” – Forgive the past.  It’s over.  Learn from it and let go.  People and situations are constantly growing and changing.  Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person or time in the past.  See your life now.  Your relationships and circumstances are always alive and changing.
  20.  “My heart has been broken too many times to take new risks.” – Sometimes it takes a heartbreak or a major letdown to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we are settling for.  Will letting go be hard?  Sure, but not nearly as hard as holding on to something that wasn’t real.  You have to put your heart out there.  Because the emotions that can break your heart are oftentimes the very ones that heal it and help it grow.

The floor is yours…

Truth be told, it is ultimately only our own thoughts that hurt us.
So think about it: What negative thoughts and destructive thinking patterns do you struggle with?
Leave a comment below and let us know.
Photo by: Lauren Rushing

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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

12 Rituals Happy, Successful People Practice Every Day

post written by: Marc Chernoff

12 Rituals Happy, Successful People Practice Every Day
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
―Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every day Angel and I work with coaching clients who say all the right things and then do the exact opposite.  They hope to experience growth, but they resist change.  They want less stress, yet they indulge in drama.  They long for better relationships, and then they refuse to trust anyone.
In other words, what they say they want and what they do with their time are hopelessly disconnected.  And the two will never meet without intervention.
It’s important to note, though, that I get it.  I understand where they’re coming from.  I used to make the same mistakes.  Change is hard to deal with.  Needless drama can be addictive.  Relationships take a lot of work.  I’m sure you can relate.
In a nutshell, when it comes to working hard to achieve a substantial life goal of any kind – earning a degree, building a business, fostering a relationship, raising a family, becoming more mindful, or any other personal achievement that takes time and commitment – one thing you have to ask yourself is:
“Am I willing to spend a little time every day like many people won’t, so I can spend the better part of my life like many people can’t?”
Think about it.  We ultimately become what we repeatedly do.  The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing – growing happens when what you know changes how you live.
And isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?  That’s the power of daily rituals.
Here are twelve daily rituals for long-term happiness and success:

1.  Exercise your integrity.

Living with integrity means:  Not settling for less than what you are capable of.  Communicating clearly and asking for what you want and need from people.  Speaking your truth, even when others judge you for it.  Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your morals and values.  Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.  And, of course, always doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, and even when nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.

2.  Steer clear of drama and those who create it.

There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the needless drama and the people who create it.  Staying out of other people’s drama is an incredibly effective way to stress less and smile more.
A good rule of thumb: If you can’t say it to their face, you shouldn’t say it behind their back.  As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people.”  Life is much too short to waste time talking about people, gossiping, and stirring up drama that has no substance.  If you don’t know, ask.  If you don’t agree, say so.  If you don’t like it, speak up.  But never judge people behind their back.  (Read The Four Agreements.)

3.  Replace judgment with encouragement.

No one truly knows what they will do in a certain situation until they are actually in it.  Yes, it’s very easy to judge someone else’s actions by what you assume your own actions would be if you were in their shoes.  But you only know what you THINK you would do, not what you WOULD do.
The truth is, we tend to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our ideals.  So do your best to catch yourself when this happens.  Remember that when we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person, and everything about our own need to be critical.
Bottom line:  We have enough critics in this world.  Be an encourager.  You’ll see why.

4.  Be positive and spend time with positive people.

Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.  Raise your awareness to your own inner strength and positivity.  You are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life.  You can either give negativity power over your life, or you can choose to be positive instead by focusing on the great things that are truly important.  So talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems.  Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.  Every great success requires some kind of worthy struggle to get there.
In addition, do your best to spend more time with positive people and less time with negative ones.  People that deliberately doubt, judge and disrespect you are not worth your long-term time and attention.

5.  Make new choices as needed, rather than letting old ones make you.

You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who and what hurts you.  After all, who we ultimately become depends, in part, on who and what we let into our lives.  So don’t just settle for relationships and situations that have proven to be unworthy.  Exercise your right to choose differently.
Be the hero of your life, not the victim.  You may not control all the circumstances that happen to you, but you can decide not to be continuously reduced by the same ones.

6.  Simplify whatever you can, whenever you can.

As E.F. Schumacher once said, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.  It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
Simplifying is not seeing how little you can get by with – that’s poverty – but how efficiently you can put first things first, and use your time accordingly to pursue the things that make a lasting difference in your life.  Less really is more.  Instead of adding, improve your life by subtracting.  Get rid of unnecessary clutter, negative influences and toxic relationships.  There is a big difference between what you want and what you need – between what’s excessive and what’s essential.

7.  Uphold your truth.

Too many of us prefer gentle lies to hard truths.  But make no mistake, in the end it’s better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.  Especially if this lie is tied to your identity in any way.  Because you can pretend for a while, but you can’t get away from yourself.  You can’t decide not to see and feel yourself anymore.  You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head and be someone else entirely.
Don’t try to be what “they” like – be who you are.  The people worth spending time with are interested in others who are confident enough to be themselves.  And that works out well, because you won’t be happy being anyone else.  (Read The Gifts of Imperfection.)

8.  Express your love without reservations.

Love is a verb.  Act on it.  Today, be the reason someone feels incredibly loved and needed.  Give your love away like your life depends on it.
Many moons from now, people won’t remember what clothes you wore, the car you drove, and maybe not even your name.  But they will remember how you made them feel and the positive memories you gave them.  The true impact you make on people will depend on the time and attention you give to teaching those who know less, caring for those who have less, supporting those who are striving, and tolerating those who are different than you.  All of which represent the full expression of your love.

9.  Nurture your relationship with your significant other.

Intimate love is not just about finding the right person, but working with them to create the right relationship.  It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning, but how much love you build and nurture until the end.  A relationship should be healthy, caring, loving, kind, upbeat and positive.  It should make your smile a little wider and your life a little brighter in the long run.
A relationship like this sounds great, but it isn’t easy.  It takes time and attention, and two people who are willing to work together every day to build something special.

10.  Loosen your grip on what’s not meant to fit in to your life.

Things will happen that you will not always understand, but maybe you’re not supposed to understand everything.  Maybe you’re just supposed to have faith, accept it and let it happen.
So never force anything.  Give it your best shot, and then let it be.
Most negative circumstances are only a part of your life because you keep thinking about them.  Positive things happen in your life when you emotionally distance yourself from the negative things.  So stop holding on to what hurts, and make room for what feels right.  Don’t let what is out of your control interfere with all the things you can control.

11.  Embrace your humanness.

“Human” is the only real label we are born with.  Yet we forget so easily.
To become attached to an opinionated label of depressed, divorced, diseased, rejected, or poor, is to be like the rain, that doesn’t know it is also the clouds… or the ice, that forgets it is water.  For we are far more than the shape we’re currently in.  And we, like the wind, water, and sky, will change forms many times in our lives, while forever remaining beautifully human.

12.  Ask yourself the right questions.

Voltaire once said, “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”  This is such sound advice, because if you keep asking yourself the wrong questions, you will never get an answer you like.
What questions are you asking yourself?  Are they helping you better understand your purpose?  Or do they have your mind spinning in circles?
Truth be told, the questions you’re regularly exposed to act as guideposts that have a powerful influence on the direction of your life.  And, not surprisingly, the questions you hear most often come directly from YOU.  So instead of looking outside yourself for answers, start asking yourself the right questions.  For instance…
  • “Who am I?”
  • “What do I need?”
  • “How do I function best?”
  • “What do I have to give?”
  • “What’s the next step I can take right now?”
It’s all about self-inquiries that help you stay true to your principles, pursue your desires, grow through adversity, and add value to the world around you. 

Your turn…

What would you add to the list?  What’s one daily ritual that has helped you find more happiness and success in life?  Leave us a comment below and let us know.
Photo by: ePi Longo

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Thursday, 8 May 2014

6 Strong Signs it’s Time to Let Go

 post written by: Angel Chernoff

6 Strong Signs it’s Time to Let Go
You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are
too attached to the things you’re supposed to let go of.
Many people believe holding on and hanging in there, infinitely, are signs of incredible strength.  But there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go, and then to actually do it.

1.  Someone constantly expects you to be someone you’re not.

A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.  So be cordial, but don’t completely change who you are for someone else simply because it’s what THEY want, or because it’s what THEY think is best for you.
If someone expects you to be someone you’re not, take a step back.  It’s wiser to lose relationships over being who you are, than to keep them intact by pretending to be someone else.  It’s easier to nurse a little heartache and meet someone new, than it is to piece together your own shattered identity.  It’s easier to fill an empty space in your life where somebody else used to be, than it is to fill the empty space within yourself where YOU used to be.

2.  A person’s actions don’t match their words.

Be wary of people who only tell you what you want to hear.  It’s so easy to believe someone when they’re telling you exactly what you want to hear, but you have to watch what they do too.  Actions speak louder than words – actions speak the whole truth.
Honestly, everybody deserves somebody who helps them look forward to tomorrow.  If someone has the opposite effect on you, because they are consistently inconsistent, and their actions never match up with their words, it might be time to let them go.  It’s always better to be alone than to be in bad company.  In the end, true friendship is a promise made in the heart – silent, unwritten, unbreakable by distance, and unchangeable by time.  So don’t just listen to what your “friends” say; watch what they do over the long-term.  Your true friends will slowly reveal themselves.

3.  You have a habit of moping and feeling sorry for yourself.

If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.  Being hurt is something you can’t stop from happening, but being miserable is always your choice.  No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse.  Negative thinking creates negative results.  Positive thinking creates positive results.  Period.  The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the “buts” you use today.  Things always turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
Eventually you will realize that happiness is not the absence of problems, but simply the ability to deal well with them.  Imagine all the wondrous things your mind might embrace if it weren’t wrapped so tightly around your struggles.  Always look at what you have, instead of what you have lost.  Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left.

4.  You’re clutching tight to an easy-street mentality.

Great accomplishments aren’t easy; they’re worth it!  So forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.  Right NOW is always the best time to break out of your shell.  Chances must be taken, mistakes must be made, and lessons must be learned.
Someday you will look back on your life and realize that everything worthwhile you’ve ever accomplished initially challenged you.  And that is as it should be, because big challenges often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary success.  Every struggle arises for a reason – either for experience or as a lesson.  A great journey is never easy, and no dose of adversity along the way is ever a waste of time if you learn and grow from it.
Remember, an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards, and such is life.  When life is pulling you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to eventually launch you forward in a positive direction.  So keep focusing, and keep aiming!

5.  You truly dislike your current situation.

In life, it’s always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb, rather than the top of the one you don’t.  So don’t let people who gave up on their goals talk you out of going after yours.  The best thing you can do in most situations is to follow your intuition.  Take risks.  Don’t just make the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what might happen.  If you do, nothing good will ever happen.
In addition, realize that it’s not always about trying to fix something that’s broken either.  Sometimes it’s about starting over and creating something brand new.  Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.  Sometimes growing stronger means growing apart from old habits, relationships, and circumstances, and finding something different that truly moves you – something that gets you so excited you can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning.  That’s what LIVING is all about.  Don’t just settle for the default settings in life, when you can customize absolutely everything.  (Read The 4-Hour Workweek.)

6.  You catch yourself obsessing over, and living in, the past.

Holding on to what’s no longer there holds too many of us back.  Some of us spend the vast majority of our lives recounting the past and letting it steer the course of the present.  Don’t waste your time trying to live in another time and place.  Let it GO!  You must accept the end of something in order to build something new.  So close some old doors today.  Not because of pride, inability or egotism, but simply because you’ve entered each one of them in the past and realize that they lead to nowhere.
Even after the toughest times, eventually you will overcome the heartache, and forget the reasons you cried, and who caused the pain.  You will realize that the secret to happiness and freedom is not about control or revenge, but in letting things unfold naturally, and learning from your experiences over the course of time.  After all, what matters most is not the first, but the final chapter of your life, which unveils the details of how well you wrote your story.  So let go of the past, set yourself free, and open your mind to the possibility of a new beginning.

Your turn…

If you feel like you need to let something go, but you simply haven’t been able to do so, know that you’re not alone.  Accepting what is, letting go, and moving on are skills that all of us must learn when facing the realities of life, but these are also skills that take time to master.  And today we challenge you to put in a little time…
Sit quietly with yourself, and ask, “What’s the #1 thing I need to let go of right now?”  Once you have it figured out, leave us a comment below and let us know what you’re going to start letting go of.
Photo by: Lotus Carroll

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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

20 Questions that Will Free Your Mind from Negativity

post written by: Marc Chernoff

20 Questions that Will Free Your Mind from Negativity
In the long run, the simple questions you ask yourself on a regular basis will determine the type of person you become.
“Today, I miss who I was.  I miss the girl who had something to be proud of.  I miss the girl who was genuinely happy in her own skin.  I miss the girl who was innocent and free and thought for herself.  I miss the girl who would look in the mirror and not see every flaw.  I miss the girl who didn’t let the negative words of others bother her.  I’ve transformed myself to make everyone else like me.  But now I don’t like me.  I really miss who I was.”
That’s the opening paragraph to a long, heartfelt email I received last night from a reader named Lori.  Her email goes on to, inadvertently, describe nearly a dozen self-defeating questions she asks herself on a regular basis – questions I know for a fact she doesn’t even mean to be asking.
Negativity often breeds not from the answers we receive from this world, but from the questions we ask ourselves every day.  Like Lori, if you ask negative questions, you will get negative answers.  There are no positive answers to:
  • “Why me?”
  • “Why didn’t I?”
  • “What if I’m not good enough?”
  • etc.
Think about it.  Would you allow someone else to ask you the demoralizing questions you sometimes ask yourself?  I doubt it.  So stop and swap them for questions that push you in a positive direction.  Here are some ideas to get you started…
  1. What could you be grateful for and positive about right now, if you really wanted to? – Your greatest weapon against stress and negativity is your ability to choose one thought over another.  Happiness escapes from those who refuse to see the good in what they have.  When life gives you every reason to be negative, think positive.
  2. What’s one problem you’re thankful you don’t have? – Smile right now; not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you do have, and all the problems you know you don’t have.
  3. What are you holding on to that you need to let go of? – Oftentimes holding on actually makes us weaker, and letting go builds our strength.  Does that thing you were extremely upset about six months ago, or last year, really matter now?  I bet it doesn’t.  And if you’re still thinking about it, it’s not serving your best interests.  (Read The Untethered Soul.)
  4. Who, or what, needs your forgiveness? – Forgiveness doesn’t always lead to healed relationships and situations.  Some relationships and situations aren’t meant to be.  Forgive anyway, and let what’s meant to be, BE.  Go ahead and set yourself free.  When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.  Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and break free.
  5. What’s the right thing to do? – Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.  Just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s worth your while.  Do what’s right, not what’s easy.  It’s a far less stressful way to live.
  6. What’s something nice you can do for someone else right now? – Do all the good you can, to as many people as you can, as often as you can.  No act of love and kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.  Good vibes always come back around.
  7. What compliments have you received lately? – Remember, butterflies don’t know the color of their wings, but the human eyes know how beautiful they are.  Likewise, in the haste of your busy days, you likely don’t notice just how great you are, but others nearby still see that you are incredible.  When someone says something nice about you, it’s worth remembering.
  8. What do you know you’re great at? – Although it’s nice to hear people compliment you, it’s not essential to your self-worth.  And if no one offers to give you a compliment, give yourself one.  You are GOOD enough, SMART enough and STRONG enough.  You don’t need other people to validate you every minute; you are VALUABLE!  Notice your strengths, focus on them, and celebrate them.
  9. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? – Truth be told, you can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t try.  Care less about what the haters say about you and smile more about what you know is true.  Live your life and be happy with yourself, without their negative judgments.  Practice listening to compliments and constructive criticism, and ignoring insults and negativity.  It’s far from easy, but it’s worth working on.
  10. What activities help you feel most like yourself? – In other words, figure out what motivates you to grow into your most authentic self.  And remember that you can’t grow unless you’re willing to change.  But as you grow you’ll notice you don’t change much… you just become more of who YOU are.
  11. What gets you excited about life? – Think… If you truly wanted to be excited right now, what could you get excited about?  Find it and focus on it more often.  When you truly believe in what you’re doing, it shows and it pays.  Success in life is for those who are excited about where they’re going. 
  12. What excuses do you need to stop making? – As George Washington once said, “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”  Nothing could be closer to the truth.  If you are good at making excuses, you will never be good at anything else.  No matter what the obstacles are that you see in front of you, the only thing truly standing between you and what you want is the excuse you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.
  13. If you learn from your mistakes, why are you always so afraid to make a mistake? – If you want to do it right, make lots of mistakes and accept a great deal of discomfort along the way.  It might sound crazy, but it’s worth your while.  In life, mistakes make you smarter and discomfort makes you stronger.  Both are necessary growing pains.
  14. When was the unexpected better than what you expected? – When something goes wrong in your life, just yell, “Plot twist!” and then do your best to adapt.  You won’t always get where you intended to go in life, but you will eventually arrive precisely where you need to be.
  15. What do you now know better for next time? – Don’t let your fear of past events affect the outcome of your future.  Live for what today has to offer, not what yesterday has taken away.  There will always be obstacles, but we are confined most often by the walls we build ourselves.  What we see depends on how we look at it.  Forget what you’ve lost and focus on what you’ve learned.
  16. What’s the next best step forward from here? – Every unwelcomed event, person or situation is really just a doorway into the next YOU.  A stronger, wiser YOU.  (Read Change Your Thoughts.)
  17. What’s priceless about this moment? – Step forward, but don’t rush.  Don’t completely waste the season of life you are in now, simply because you want the next one to begin.  There is always beauty waiting to be realized.  Notice the goodness happening around you right now, even if you have to look a little harder than usual.
  18. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? – Relax.  You are enough.  You have enough.  You do enough.  Breathe extra deep, let go and just live right now in the moment.
  19. Who do you need to spend less time with? – There are over seven billion people in the world right now; don’t let a handful of negative ones ruin your happiness.  No, you can’t choose every person you meet in life, but you can choose who you spend your time with.  So be thankful for the people who walk into your life and make it better, but also be thankful for the freedom to walk away from the ones who don’t.
  20. How have insignificant past rejections messed with your self-confidence? – Don’t let old rejections take up permanent residence in your head.  Kick them out on the street.  Realize that sometimes you have to try to do what you think you can’t do, so you realize that you actually CAN.  And sometimes it takes more than one attempt.  If ‘Plan A’ doesn’t work out, don’t fret; the alphabet has another 25 letters that would be happy to give you a chance to get it right.  The wrong choices usually bring us to the right places, eventually.  You just have to believe in your own potential to get there.


Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to ask enough of the right ones that ultimately leads you to an understanding of yourself and your purpose.
You can spend your life wallowing in fear by avoiding the obvious, or asking negative questions like, “Why me?”  Or you can be grateful that you’ve made it this far – that you are strong enough to breathe, walk and think for yourself – and then ask, “Where do I want to go next?”

Your turn…

What did I miss?  What encouraging questions do you need to start asking yourself?  Leave us a comment below and let us know.
Photo by: Moyan Brenn

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Friday, 2 May 2014

18 Reasons to Give Up Trying to Live Up to Everyone’s Expectations

post written by: Marc Chernoff

18 Reasons to Give Up Trying to Live Up to Everyone’s Expectations
Your needs matter too.  Don’t ignore them.  Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.
A life spent ceaselessly trying to please people who are perhaps incapable of ever being pleased, or trying too hard to always be seen as doing “what’s expected of you,” is a sure road to a regretful existence.  Angel and I were on this road once, but I’m happy to say we’re paving our own path now based on our own needs, morals and values.  And today I hope to inspire you to do the same…
Do more than just exist.  We all exist.  The question is: Do you live?
Angel and I eventually realized existing without ever truly living was not what we wanted for ourselves.  So we made changes – we gradually embraced all the points discussed in this article and never looked back.  If you are in the same place we once were – seeking approval from everyone for every little thing you do – please take this post to heart and start making changes today.  Life is too short not to.
  1. First and foremost, you are not obligated to live up to everyone’s expectations. – Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect.  And you are under no obligation to give others what they expect.  Period.  Do things because you care.  Do things because you know it’s right.  Don’t just do things because everyone else expects you to.
  2. Expectations just get in the way of great life experiences. – Don’t let expectations (especially other people’s expectations) get in your way.  Truth be told, the unexpected is often better than the expected.  Our entire lives can be described in one sentence: It didn’t go as planned, and that’s OK.
  3. You don’t need others to hold your hand every step of the way. – Be willing to go alone sometimes.  You don’t need permission to grow.  Not everyone who started with you will finish with you.  And that’s OK.  (Read The Road Less Traveled.)
  4. You get to learn from your mistakes without unnecessary third-party pressure. – You’re going to mess up sometimes.  But the good news is, as long as you’re listening to your intuition, you get to decide how you’re going to mess up.  Which means you get to decide how you’re going to live and what you’re going to learn along the way.
  5. No one knows you better than you know yourself. – How you seem to others and how you actually are, rarely match.  Even if they get the basic gist of who you are, they’re still missing a big piece of the puzzle.  What other people think of you will rarely contain the whole truth, which is fine.  So if someone forms an opinion of you based on superficialities, then it’s up to them, not you, to reform those opinions.  Leave it to them to worry about.  You know who you are and what’s best for you.
  6. Only YOU can define what’s possible for you and your life. – Some people will kill you over time if you let them; and how they’ll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases like, “Be realistic.”  When this happens, close your ears and listen to your inner voice instead.  Remember that real success in life isn’t what others see, but how you feel.  It’s living your truth and doing what makes you feel alive.
  7. In the end, happiness is simply living your life your own way. – There comes a time when your back is up against the wall and you realize all you can do is say, “Screw it, I’m doing things my way!”  That’s the earth-shattering moment you stop planning for someone else’s expectations, and start making progress on what’s truly important to YOU.  That’s when you begin to live life according to your own morals and values.  That’s when you can finally be at your happiest.
  8. You can best serve yourself and others by giving yourself what YOU need. – Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and pursue it at all costs.  That’s what this world needs – people like YOU who come alive.  Which means your needs matter; so don’t ignore them.  Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not just what seems best on the surface for everyone else.
  9. Rather than being confined by opinions, you get to create your own reality. – If J.K. Rowling stopped after being rejected by multiple publishers for years, there would be no Harry Potter.  If Howard Schultz gave up after being turned down by banks 200+ times, there would be no Starbucks.  If Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept was trashed by 300+ investors, there would be no Disney World.  One thing is for sure: If you give too much power to the opinions of others, you will become their prisoner.  So never let someone’s opinion define your reality.  (Read Daring Greatly.)
  10. You allow yourself the freedom to speak your truth. – Yes, speak your truth even if your voice shakes.  Be cordial and reasonable, of course, but don’t tread carefully on every word you say.  Push your concerns of what others might think aside.  Let the consequences of doing so unravel naturally.  What you’ll find is that most of the time no one will be offended or irritated at all.  And if they do get upset, it’s likely only because you’ve started behaving in a way that makes them feel they have less power over you.  Think about it.  Why lie?
  11. The wrong people won’t be able to tamper with your standards. – Remember, failed relationships aren’t designed to encourage you to lower your standards, but to raise them and keep them up.  So while you’re out there making decisions instead of excuses, learning new things, and getting closer and closer to your goals, know that there are others out there, like me, who admire your efforts and are striving for greatness too.   Bottom line: Don’t let the wrong people bring you down.
  12. The haters will have less of an effect on you. – Don’t worry about the haters, ever.  Don’t let them get to you.  They’re just upset because the truth you know contradicts the lies they live.  Period.
  13. Your individuality can be openly celebrated and enjoyed. - Constantly seeking approval means you’re perpetually worried that others are forming negative judgments of you.  This steals the fun, ingenuity, and spontaneity from your life.  Flip the switch on this habit.  If you’re lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody else, don’t be ashamed and don’t change.  Uniqueness is priceless.  In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your remarkable self.  It takes a lot of courage to stand alone, but it’s worth it.  Being unapologetically YOU is worth it!
  14. There will be less drama to deal with. – Forgo the drama.  Ignore the negativity around you.  Just be sincere and kind, and promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
  15. You will have more time to socialize with the right people. – When you’re feeling insecure, you typically don’t notice the hundreds of people around you who accept you just the way you are.  All you notice are the few who don’t.  Don’t ever forget your worth.  Spend time with those who value you.  No matter how good you are to people, there will always be negative minds out there who criticize you.  Smile, ignore them, and carry on.  You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another.
  16. Great relationships are not governed by one-sided expectations. – When it comes to your relationships, don’t keep everything you need to say to yourself.  Let it out.  Express your point of view.  Communication is not just an important part of a relationship, communication is the relationship.  Communicate even when it’s uncomfortable and uneasy.  One of the best ways to heal and grow a relationship is simply getting everything on the inside out in the open.  Compromise.  That’s how good people make great things happen together.
  17. You get to be YOUR best, without competing with everyone else. – When you are happy to simply do your best and not compare or compete, everyone worth your while will respect you.  Here’s some healthy food for thought:  Always… Be strong, but not rude.  Be kind, but not weak.  Be humble, but not timid.  Be proud, but not arrogant.  Be bold, but not a bully.
  18. You are not obligated to anyone more so than you are to yourself. – Your relationship with yourself is the closest and most important relationship you will ever have.  So don’t forget about YOU out there, and don’t be too hard on yourself either.  There are plenty of others willing to do both for you.  And remember, if you don’t take good care of yourself, then you can’t take good care of others either; which is why taking care of yourself is the best selfish thing you can do.

The floor is yours…

What’s the best reason you can think of to give up trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations?  Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.
Photo by: Erin

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