1) Spend The Most Money On The Items You Use The MostSo simple, yet so often overlooked: It’s smart shopping to splurge on the items you spend a lot of time with, and skimp on the ones you don’t.
“Don’t worry about the price,” says Brian Lam, founder of gadget decision-making site The Wirecutter. “Instead, try to figure out how often you’ll use it, and for how many years, and then spread the cost over the total number of hours you’ll get from the device.”
This rule is doubly true if it’s an item that could be make-or-break in terms of your creative or professional life. If your years-old computer is preventing you from getting your job done, it may be time to upgrade.
“I use my laptop for eight to 12 hours a day a lot of the time, so I feel good about investing in a laptop that I love,” says Chris Heinonen, another writer from The Wirecutter. “It’s an investment I’ll enjoy every single day for years.”
2) Avoid Add-OnsStop me if you’ve heard this one before, but those add-ons that salespeople try to push? Yeah, stay away.
“Bundling in general is almost always a bad idea,” says Bob Sullivan, author of Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day—And What You Can Do About It . “These are very big companies with very big spreadsheets and they have this all figured out. There’s no such thing as them offering a deal that’s good for you.”
That means warranties, optional product insurance, add-on headphones, and those omnipresent brand-name HDMI cables (you’ve probably heard it before, but generic cords do just as good a job at shuffling your signal, and can be found for literally a fiftieth the price online).
I’ve come across consumers who will spend weeks (or even months) researching a big-ticket purchase in an attempt to get the very best product at the very best deal—only to turn around and throw down money on add-ons without thinking about it, based upon a salesperson’s last-minute suggestion. It’s important to remember that your primary purchase is often just a way for the store to get you in the door. It’s the add-ons that bring in the real profit—and can carry the largest incentives for salespeople who are charged with pushing them on customers.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: Sullivan pointed out to me that some stores will bundle severely marked down items if they have massive overstock, and that some high-price smartphones may be worth insuring. Just be sure to read the fine print—many insurance policies are filled with so many caveats, that they are nearly impossible to cash in.
3) Don’t Place Specs Over ExperienceIt’s extremely rare that any single spec matters all that much to a gadget’s overall experience. The one place specs really matter: Marketing.
Think of it this way: You’ll never see an ad that says “Once you live with our product for a number of months, you’ll understand how much effort we put into an intuitive interface and pleasant design that causes you as little pain as possible.”
For manufacturers, it’s much easier to simply call out an impressive-sounding number, and claim that it makes their product the best.
“It’s usually best to just completely ignore the spec,” says Pete Pachal, technology editor at Mashable. “As impressive as it may be, chances are everyone else has something just as good. Instead, concentrate on the big picture—does this thing actually fit into my life and do what I want it to do?”
4) Make Sure You Know How Products FeelA phone that fits comfortably in one tech reviewer’s hand may just feel awkward in yours. Ergonomics are not universal, and too many people buy tech products sight unseen—and touch unfelt.
This rule is doubly true if it’s an item that could be make-or-break in terms of your creative or professional life. If your years-old computer is preventing you from getting your job done, it may be time to upgrade.
“I use my laptop for eight to 12 hours a day a lot of the time, so I feel good about investing in a laptop that I love,” says Chris Heinonen, another writer from The Wirecutter. “It’s an investment I’ll enjoy every single day for years.”
2) Avoid Add-OnsStop me if you’ve heard this one before, but those add-ons that salespeople try to push? Yeah, stay away.
“Bundling in general is almost always a bad idea,” says Bob Sullivan, author of Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day—And What You Can Do About It . “These are very big companies with very big spreadsheets and they have this all figured out. There’s no such thing as them offering a deal that’s good for you.”
That means warranties, optional product insurance, add-on headphones, and those omnipresent brand-name HDMI cables (you’ve probably heard it before, but generic cords do just as good a job at shuffling your signal, and can be found for literally a fiftieth the price online).
I’ve come across consumers who will spend weeks (or even months) researching a big-ticket purchase in an attempt to get the very best product at the very best deal—only to turn around and throw down money on add-ons without thinking about it, based upon a salesperson’s last-minute suggestion. It’s important to remember that your primary purchase is often just a way for the store to get you in the door. It’s the add-ons that bring in the real profit—and can carry the largest incentives for salespeople who are charged with pushing them on customers.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: Sullivan pointed out to me that some stores will bundle severely marked down items if they have massive overstock, and that some high-price smartphones may be worth insuring. Just be sure to read the fine print—many insurance policies are filled with so many caveats, that they are nearly impossible to cash in.
3) Don’t Place Specs Over ExperienceIt’s extremely rare that any single spec matters all that much to a gadget’s overall experience. The one place specs really matter: Marketing.
Think of it this way: You’ll never see an ad that says “Once you live with our product for a number of months, you’ll understand how much effort we put into an intuitive interface and pleasant design that causes you as little pain as possible.”
For manufacturers, it’s much easier to simply call out an impressive-sounding number, and claim that it makes their product the best.
“It’s usually best to just completely ignore the spec,” says Pete Pachal, technology editor at Mashable. “As impressive as it may be, chances are everyone else has something just as good. Instead, concentrate on the big picture—does this thing actually fit into my life and do what I want it to do?”
4) Make Sure You Know How Products FeelA phone that fits comfortably in one tech reviewer’s hand may just feel awkward in yours. Ergonomics are not universal, and too many people buy tech products sight unseen—and touch unfelt.
This rule is doubly true if it’s an item that could be make-or-break in terms of your creative or professional life. If your years-old computer is preventing you from getting your job done, it may be time to upgrade.
“I use my laptop for eight to 12 hours a day a lot of the time, so I feel good about investing in a laptop that I love,” says Chris Heinonen, another writer from The Wirecutter. “It’s an investment I’ll enjoy every single day for years.”
2) Avoid Add-OnsStop me if you’ve heard this one before, but those add-ons that salespeople try to push? Yeah, stay away.
“Bundling in general is almost always a bad idea,” says Bob Sullivan, author of Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day—And What You Can Do About It . “These are very big companies with very big spreadsheets and they have this all figured out. There’s no such thing as them offering a deal that’s good for you.”
That means warranties, optional product insurance, add-on headphones, and those omnipresent brand-name HDMI cables (you’ve probably heard it before, but generic cords do just as good a job at shuffling your signal, and can be found for literally a fiftieth the price online).
I’ve come across consumers who will spend weeks (or even months) researching a big-ticket purchase in an attempt to get the very best product at the very best deal—only to turn around and throw down money on add-ons without thinking about it, based upon a salesperson’s last-minute suggestion. It’s important to remember that your primary purchase is often just a way for the store to get you in the door. It’s the add-ons that bring in the real profit—and can carry the largest incentives for salespeople who are charged with pushing them on customers.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: Sullivan pointed out to me that some stores will bundle severely marked down items if they have massive overstock, and that some high-price smartphones may be worth insuring. Just be sure to read the fine print—many insurance policies are filled with so many caveats, that they are nearly impossible to cash in.
3) Don’t Place Specs Over ExperienceIt’s extremely rare that any single spec matters all that much to a gadget’s overall experience. The one place specs really matter: Marketing.
Think of it this way: You’ll never see an ad that says “Once you live with our product for a number of months, you’ll understand how much effort we put into an intuitive interface and pleasant design that causes you as little pain as possible.”
For manufacturers, it’s much easier to simply call out an impressive-sounding number, and claim that it makes their product the best.
“It’s usually best to just completely ignore the spec,” says Pete Pachal, technology editor at Mashable. “As impressive as it may be, chances are everyone else has something just as good. Instead, concentrate on the big picture—does this thing actually fit into my life and do what I want it to do?”
4) Make Sure You Know How Products FeelA phone that fits comfortably in one tech reviewer’s hand may just feel awkward in yours. Ergonomics are not universal, and too many people buy tech products sight unseen—and touch unfelt.
“It can be hard to predict online how a camera feels in your hand or around your neck,” says The Wirecutter writer Tim Barribeau. “If it’s so small it cramps your hands, or so heavy it hurts your shoulders, you’re not gonna take it with you.”
That means getting your hands on a gadget before you buy it—or at least searching for reviews from people with similarly specific needs. For example: If you have tiny ears, look for headphone reviews written by users with a similar structure.
5) Don’t Forget To Search For Coupon CodesIt’s so, so simple to Google the name of a product or retailer and the words “coupon code”, and it could save you so much money.
Retailmenot.com is a popular clearinghouse for coupon and promo codes, but Googling around should produce
something for your purchase.
6) Understand Release Dates—And Plan Purchases Around ThemIf a new iPhone is coming in September (as is widely rumored), you’d be foolish to purchase one in August. Even if the iPhone 5′s specs are all you need or want, waiting until the new one comes out will allow you to purchase the old one at a massive discount—either through official channels (if Apple continues its tradition of using older models as budget buys), or on the secondary market from users looking to upgrade.
The point: Gadget release cycles are incredibly predictable, and this knowledge is purchasing power. Do some Googling to see when a company typically updates its product lines, and use that information strategically.
By Seth Porges
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