Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The Single Most Important Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs

In his book No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, business coach and consultant Dan Kennedy reveals the steps behind making the most of your frantic, time-pressured days so you can turn time into money. In this edited excerpt, the author describes the one habit you should adopt--and stick to without fail--if you want to be successful.

I’m sure there are exceptions somewhere, but so far, in 35-plus years of taking note of this, everybody I’ve met and gotten to know who devoutly adheres to this discipline becomes exceptionally successful and everybody I’ve met and gotten to know who ignores this discipline fails. Is it possible that this one discipline alone is so powerful it literally determines success or failure?
The discipline I'm talking about is punctuality -- being where you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there, as promised, without exception, without excuse, every time, all the time. I cannot tell you how important I believe this is. But I’ll tell you some of the reasons why I believe in its indescribably great importance.
First of all, being punctual gives you the right—the positioning—to expect and demand that others treat your time with the utmost respect. You cannot reasonably hope to have others treat your time with respect if you show little or no respect for theirs. So if you're not punctual, you have no leverage, no moral authority. But the punctual person gains that advantage over staff, associates, vendors, clients, everybody.
It is my conviction that a person who cannot keep appointments on time, cannot keep scheduled commitments or cannot stick to a schedule cannot be trusted in other ways either. There is a link between respect for others’ time and respect for others’ opinions, property, rights, agreements and contracts. A person reveals a great deal about himself by his punctuality or lack of punctuality. As a general rule of thumb, I use this as a means of determining whether or not I want to do business with someone. And, when I violate this, as I occasionally foolishly do, I always get burned.
Let me give you one example. Dozens of years ago, a person seeking to do business with me arranged to meet me at an airport, where I had a 90-minute layover. We agreed, and I confirmed by fax that we would meet at my arrival gate, at my arrival time, and then go to that airline’s club room right there on the concourse for the meeting. When I arrived, the guy wasn’t there. Some ten minutes later, I’m paged and told to meet him in the main terminal where he is because he ran late getting to the airport. It takes me ten minutes on the tram to get to the main terminal, and I have to cut another ten minutes of our meeting to allow time to get back to my gate. I have to go through this to meet with a man so disrespectful of a commitment made and of my time that he cannot organize his life to arrive at a meeting on time in his own home city. If he could not be relied on to honor such an easy commitment, why should anybody believe he would honor more important ones?
Still, violating my own rule, I went ahead and accepted this guy as a client. It was predictably ugly. He lied, he cheated, and he was completely disorganized, dysfunctional, and unreasonable. He sucked up a pretty good chunk of my time, and it cost me thousands of dollars to get rid of him.

Now, here’s a “success secret” for you: I’m not the only person to have figured out this punctuality-integrity link. I’m just not that smart. I’ve stumbled on something that a whole lot of other smart, successful, and influential people already know and secretly use to make their determinations about who they will buy from or not buy from, do business with or not do business with, help or not help, trust or distrust. If you are not a punctual person, others you wish to positively influence negatively judge you.
If you think that successful people—people you want to deal with—do not have their own little “systems” for judging people, you’re very naïve. Not only do they have such a system, most successful people make a point of having “instant reject criteria,” to save time in determining who they want to deal with and who they don’t.
One of my earliest business mentors said that there were only two good reasons for being late for a meeting with him: one, you’re dead; two, you want to be.
So, to borrow from Dale Carnegie, if you want to win friends and influence people, be punctual. And, if you’d like to save yourself a lot of time and trouble, start using this as a means of judging those who would do business with you.
From The Entrepreneur

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10 Ways to Stop Treating Yourself

post written by: Marc Chernoff

10 Ways to Stop Treating Yourself
“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and
I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”
―C. JoyBell C.
Your relationship with yourself is the closest and most important relationship you will ever have.  When was the last time someone told you they loved and respected you just the way you are, and that what you think and how you feel means the world?  When was the last time someone told you that you did a great job, or when necessary, that “everything is going to be OK.”  When was the last time that ‘someone’ was YOU?
It’s time to start treating yourself better.  It’s time to…

1.  Stop holding yourself back from living TODAY.

Sadly, only a tiny percentage of the people in this world will actually experience their lives today.  So many of us will be stuck on another day, another time and place that troubled us and caused us to spiritually stumble, and thus miss out on life as we’re living it.  Realize this and pull it together.  Do not allow your spirit to be softened or your happiness to be limited by a time and place you cannot get back or a day that does not yet exist.  Live today!
Before you know it you’ll be asking, “How did it get so late so soon?”  So take time right now to figure yourself out.  Take time to realize what you want and need.  Take time to take risks.  Take time to love, laugh, cry, learn, and move forward.  Life is shorter than it often seems.  Realize that right now you’re lucky because you still have a chance.  So stop for a moment and think.  Whatever you need to do, start doing it now; there are only so many ‘todays’ left.

2.  Stop ignoring your peaceful inner space.

Remember that there is a place within you that you can go to at any moment.  It is calm and full of love.  Forget about the noise your mind is reciting to you.  It is stuck, and it is wrong.  Look within.  Go there when you are sad.  Go there when you are fearful or angry or troubled.  Go there when you are alone in your car in hectic traffic, or when you are surrounded by people who intimidate you.  And don’t forget to go there when you are happy too.
Forget what you “know.”  You are not your body.  You are not your past or future.  You are not what others expect of you.  The essence of your being is love and it is within you right now.  Your spirit is simply waiting for you to remember this.  So go to that place in the center of you.  Let the deep love and serenity swallow you whole.  Everything is always okay, even when it’s not.  Let go of the mind’s need to remind you of everything that weighs you down.  You are none of that.  You are at peace.  Now breathe, again, and smile.

3.  Stop treating yourself like an unworthy imposter.

Ever feel totally out of your element?  Like you’re due to be discovered for the “fraud” that you are?  This is what psychologists call the “impostor syndrome” – where you constantly feel like everyone around you has their act together, but you don’t.  And the more others recognize your achievements, the more you feel like a fake.  Enhance your knowledge, and as you expand the scope of what you know, you’ll inevitably be exposed to more and more of what you don’t, and thus you’ll subconsciously discredit everything you do know.
Impostorism is, for many of us, a natural symptom of gaining expertise.  Move up the ranks, and if your line of work is even vaguely based on a totem pole of individual achievement, you’ll encounter more talented people to compare yourself negatively against.  It never stops.  I’ve written hundreds of self-improvement articles that have received millions of page views and social media shares, and praise from a dedicated community of readers, but each time I write a new post I think, “Oh boy, this time they’re going to find me out,” as if I’m some low-profile underachiever who doesn’t deserve to be writing and inspiring others.
The solution is to talk it out with a trusted friend or partner.  Talk about your insecurities more, and let them do the same.  Admittedly, it’s a hard conversation to initiate, so in the mean time just remember that everyone feels like an impostor sometimes – it’s not just you.

4.  Stop holding on to old wounds.

One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go.  Whether it’s feelings of guilt, anger, disappointment, loss or betrayal.  Change is never easy.  We fight to hold and we fight to let go.  But we must eventually let GO.  There’s no point in stressing over what you can’t change.  Stop over-thinking everything.  Let it be, move on, and grow from the experience.
It’s often our own thinking that hurts us.  There’s no reason to imprison yourself.  Don’t think outside the box; think like there is no box.  And never regret your past mistakes, because they gave you strength.  The one who falls and gets up is much stronger than the one who never fell.  Sometimes you have to accept the fact that things will never go back to how they used to be, and that this ending is really a new beginning.  (Read The Untethered Soul.)

5.  Stop acting like you don’t matter.

Your inner light is seen.  Your heart is heard.  Your spirit is treasured by more people than you imagine.  If you knew how many others have been touched in profound ways by you, you would be astounded.  If you knew how many people feel so much for you, you would be speechless.  You are far more brilliant than you think you are.  Rest with that.  Rest easy with that.  Breathe in and out, and again.  You are doing fine.  More than fine.  Better than fine.  You’re doing great.  So relax.  And love yourself today.
Stop discrediting yourself for everything you aren’t, and start giving yourself credit for everything that you are.  Behind you is infinite power, before you is endless possibility, around you is boundless opportunity.  So what are you going to do today?

6.  Stop pretending like you don’t have enough.

No, you won’t always get exactly what you want.  But remember this: There are lots of people who will never have what you have right now.  Remember, the happiest people don’t necessarily HAVE the best of everything, but they always try to MAKE the best of everything they have.
Good or bad, just smile.  You have a lot to be thankful for.  Never forget it.  Don’t be negative when you have so much to be positive about.  Your mind is a powerful thing.  Weakness in thinking becomes weakness in living.  When you fill your mind with positivity, you grow stronger.  Be wise enough to walk away from the nonsense around you.  Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.

7.  Stop attaching yourself to what’s not meant to be.

We all have this idea in our heads of how things are supposed to be, but sadly this is why we end up disappointed.  Expect less.  Enjoy more.  Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you WANT because you NEED something else.  And what you need often comes when you’re not looking for it.
Bottom line:  Don’t hold yourself down with things you can’t control.  There’s a time and place for everything.  Don’t force what’s not yet supposed to fit into your life.  When it’s meant to be, it will be.  (Read Buddha’s Brain.)

8.  Stop letting negative people poison your mood.

You can’t live a positive life around negative people 24/7.  Ignore these people and move on from them when you must.  Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough!  Distancing yourself from negative people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it just means you care about your own well-being.  Because every time you subtract negative from your life, you make room for more positive.
If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative.  Know when to close the account.  In the end, life is too short to argue and fight.  Count your blessings, value the people who matter, and move on from the drama with your head held high.

9.  Stop letting fear run your life.

Are you doing what you’re doing out of fear, or love?  Think about it.
Every human thought, word and deed is based on fear or love.  Fear is an inner energy that contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards and harms.  When you live through fear, you pull back from life.  Love, on the other hand, is an inner energy that expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares and heals.  When you live through love, you open to all that life has to offer with presence and acceptance.
Love is risky.  Love is unsafe.  Love isn’t for the faint of heart.  Love takes courage.  And most importantly, love and fear can’t coexist.  Love means giving life the opportunity to break your heart, but knowing that there are far better things ahead than anything you’ve left behind.

10.  Stop telling yourself that happiness exists somewhere else.

As Abraham Lincoln so profoundly said, “We are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be.”
Happiness is the result of personal choice and effort.  You fight for happiness, strive for it, switch careers, build relationships, and sometimes even reinvent your lifestyle entirely as you uncover it.  Why?  Because you have to actively participate in the manifestations of your own joys and good fortunes – they are not ready-made for the taking; they are available for the making.
Ironically, a big part of this is simply doing your very best and then letting go and trusting that things will work out the way they’re supposed to, without trying to control every little detail of the outcome.  Instead of expecting to always get what you want, you appreciate the journey enough to want what you get.  The joy of the freedom this brings gradually becomes more pleasurable than the outcome itself.

Your turn…

In what way have you been mistreating yourself?  What do you need to start doing for yourself instead?  I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Photo by: Starlights

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Monday, 30 December 2013

Your Health, Nutrition and You

FLP banner logo

Forever Super Life Team is in FOREVER LIVING (FLP) for a purpose. “Our purpose in FOREVER LIVING is to make positive difference in peoples’ lives. As we make a HEALTH, BEAUTY, and PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS by using FOREVER LIVING products and introducing others to FOREVER LIVING family, we are causing our dreams to become a reality. FOREVER LIVING’s personal growth and personal development programme will encourage you to exercise the three things in life that will assure your success, IMAGINATION, WILL AND DETERMINATION. You are part of an exciting and dynamic team that is dedicated to helping you achieve your DREAMS, GOALS AND DESIRES. Together, we will make a positive difference in the lives of millions of people around the world by helping them and encouraging everyone in FOREVER LIVING family to be the best that we can be”.

Nutrition affects your health both today and tomorrow. The diet is the body’s only source for raw materials it needs to perform its day to day functions. Cells works are complicated and continual. Fortunately, your cells perform their jobs automatically without any forethought on your pat. Your only responsibility to this intricate dynamic system is to provide the high quality nutrients the body needs to do a good job. You should eat to live not live to eat else your system becomes malfunctioned.

Disease is not an inevitable consequence of ageing! The seeds of our poor health are often sown in childhood when many children and teenagers consume highly processed, fatty, salty and sugary foods. By their 20 years of age most people are not as healthy as they should be because they failed to eat diets rich in anti-oxidants or other nutrients. By the time they are in their 30’s, Prime time for devotion to family and career, they are often too busy for regular exercise and sufficient sleep. By their 40’s due to stress, poor diets and inactivity, they are tense, under-nourished and overweight. At about 50’s, most diseases begin to manifest themselves Big portions of the population begin to receive regular care for hypertension and cholesterol.
Health continues to decline with millions of people each suffering from chronic conditions that limit their activities: Arthritis, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, visual impairment, hearing loss, lung diseases etc. poor nutritional habits are the main reason. These chronic conditions often begin with the following symptoms: Headache, extreme fatigue, muscle pains, joint pain, eczema, rashes, Flu-like symptoms, asthma, sinus problems, anxiety, depression, memory problems, difficulty in concentration, insomnia, irregular heart-beat, bloating, nausea, vomiting, intestinal problems, seizures etc.
About 50% of the people the world over can be classified as “high risk” groups e.g. sportsmen/women, nursing mothers, growing children, students, senior citizens etc. in your crises or country the rate might be higher. You have the opportunity now to arrest this trend in your life and that of others. FOREVER LIVING food supplements offer you the unique opportunity to turn around your poor health conditions, maintain your good health and assist others in doing so. You are highly rewarded in the process.

Four ranges make up the FOREVER LIVING product line and they include Healthcare, Homecare, Skincare and Personal care. We aim to share with all people a basic programme for a longer, healthier life by means of the FEEL BETTER PROGRAMME which consists of a daily intake of our complete family of aloe drinks, nutrition, weight management products, personal care, skin care, business paks, combo paks, sonya skin care products and cosmetics bring the remarkable properties of aloe to the entire body. Added to full line of Forever products and nutritional supplements are products from the bee hive, and you have a complete system for naturally achieving better health and beauty.
The Forever products through the incredible backing of Forever’s own Scientific Advisory Board guarantee that you can build your business on the best products of their kind anywhere in the world-products that are unique, high quality and high demand.

Join FOREVER SUPER LIFE TEAM today. Become Forever Director and start to live the lifestyle of your dreams.
“Around the world people are confronted with the same challenges and burdened with the same concerns. They worry if their job will still be here next month or next year or if they will ever be able to own their own home, educate their children, prepare for their retirement?
In this era of Corporate Mergers and down-sizing” the feeling of job security is skipping away for increasing numbers of people. At the same time, inflationary pressures on basic needs are eroding their “Buying Power”. Home prices have outpaced income with ownership further away than ever. A college Education is an ever more important prerequisite of success. Yet costs of higher Education continue to soar further out of reach. As more and more people move into their “Golden Years” fewer and fewer are prepared for the financial demands of retirement. As we move into the new century, these are the challenges that confront all of us. These are the worries that cloud our future, eroding our dreams.
Have you ever asked and answered the following 7 questions?
1.   How Can I be Healthier?
·       Sudden death; early death
·       Taking Diseases and illness for granted is dangerous
·       The secret of life is to postpone it
2.   How can I earn more income?
·       Sudden job loss now rampant: “You’re fired!”
·       No vacancy; No contracts
·       Who can you “depend” on?
3.   How can I provide for my family needs?
4.   How can I become self-reliant?
5.   How can I be more confident about the future?
6.   How can I be more beautiful?
7.   How can I be more exceptional? 

FOREVER SUPER LIFE TEAM offers solutions to these challenges through our TOTAL VALUE OPPORTUNITY! Based upon the concept of FREE ENTERPRISE and practiced in the dynamic arena of Direct Selling, FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS ARE “SIMPLY THE BEST” answer for personal FREEDOM, long term SECURITY and FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. The FLP TOTAL VALUE OPPORTUNITY offers people a chance to take charge of their future by taking advantage of the free Enterprise system and becoming part of our worldwide family of distributors. Our marketing plan is easy to understand, simple to follow and offers the highest of rewards and profit. Our product Lines set the Standard of Excellence and user benefit and represent a global market potential of more than one trillion dollars.
OUR GLOBAL BUSINESS SUPPORT SYSTEM trains, informs and motivates at every step. Our principles are anchored in our purpose of MAKING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLES’ LIVES.

“With FLP Millionare’ Club
I’m Cash Rich and Debt Free”
Virginia Chiedu Ezenwenyi
My name is Mrs. Virginia ChieduEzenwenyi; I am a Senior Manager.  I am also a Senior Eagle Manager.
 As a member of the millionaires club, I am happy that I am in a situation where I can afford all I need.  This is the reason why I joined FLP because my dream was to be cash rich and debt free.  Thanks to God for FLP.
It is to achieve this status and get freedom from poverty that after I was told about FLP, I believed, I was inspired and I decided to take action.  I set goals and targets; I was focused because I did not mind all the distractions that was coming from people.  I was dedicated and worked hard with passion in order to achieve my dreams.  I prayed to God always because I know that without Him I can do nothing.
I am proud to say that FLP is God sent to humanity.  It is a very unique company with very generous incentives, and wonderful products. We have gotten two cars from FLP, and earning fabulous bonus.  This weekend FLP is taking us to South Africa, Cape Town for the Africa Rally.  All expenses paid by FLP.  Next August, we shall also go to Washington D.C for the World Rally.  This is mouthwatering. The life style of my family and I have changed.
 Long live Rex Maughan, Long live our MD, Mr. Cornelius Tay, and long live FLP.

With all of the advantages mentioned above – why would you not want to make the most of the FLP opportunity? So what will you do with it?... it is this simple! Take up the FLP “Millennium Challenge” and become a Director of your own FLP business over the next few months or join as a Distributor you begin to qualify for added benefits that boast your income, motivate your business and start to move you towards the benefits of sales Team and international Sales Team Membership.
Become a Director! That’s your challenge for the new Millennium. And position yourself firmly on FLP’s Ladder to success and fortune! (FLP Lifestyle).

Now that you have decided to take up the challenge, get registered with FLP through Forever Super Life Team Sponsorship. The team helps you to help yourself to greater success. This is the team that will energize you to earn your Case Credit (CC) and make rapid progress with FLP products.
The aim is to make you achieve your highest potential-strength, consistency and growth. Since FLP Business personifies the well know expression - he who does the work, gets the pay, the Team works tirelessly to ensure that you take advantage of its operations which are formatted on the multi-level marketing principles to give all members the advantage of working very intelligently to make a lot of money as it is hinged on the competitive advantage of “BETTER WORKER GETS THE BETTER PAY”.
The strength of the team is on large membership base. With large membership, the team is able to provide all its members with the where-withal to success with FLP products. You directly earn Credit from FLP for everyone you introduce into the team.
It is a team to watch in FLP Distribution system because it is set to earn Pre-eminence with FLP worldwide.
With the registration, there is no limit to how far you might want to extend your business with FLP continuously growing into more and more new countries in Africa and around the World – thus you can do your business anywhere in the world. As you continue to qualify, you get bonuses, awards such as cash, paid holidays abroad, make millions in foreign currencies, fire your job and enjoy dream vacations all over world.
The confident thing about the TEAM is that whoever becomes a member stands to gain knowledge; wealth and good free association with persons who could help business grow. The bottom-line of it all is that as you become a member and begin to bring in people, you also earn money from being able to bring them in. The TEAM is coordinated to enable you enjoy the benefits of man’s brain to the utmost and almost without even blinking an eyelid. No-body waits to see your size before they do business with you.
Therefore, a wise thing it would be then for you to join the FOREVER SUPER LIFE TEAM today and get brilliantly organized and wealthily rewarded through our selected programmes.

Click here to register online now (International).


Surname:*        Nsa
First Name:*    Asuquo
Middle Name: Ita-Eyo    
ID No.:* 234-001-390-089       
Address: 3c Daniel Hogan Street    
City:          Calabar
State:        Cross River
Phone:*   2348029601767
Email:       akpama@gmail.com
Country: Nigeria
click here to register online now (Nigeria & Benin).

(Email: akpama@gmail.com or Call: +2348029601767)

Friday, 27 December 2013

How To Write the Perfect Love Letter in 3 Short Paragraphs

How To Write the Perfect Love LetterWriting the perfect love letter can be quite a challenge. After all, love is an emotion, and it can be extremely difficult to accurately transcribe your emotions into a meaningful set of words. It’s easy to spell out the phrase “I love you”, but those words are relatively hollow without a little contextual substantiation.

3 Simple Questions

So, how do you substantiate the authenticity and depth of your love without writing a lengthy novel depicting every detail of your relationship? It’s actually quite simple. Just ask yourself 3 questions:
  1. What feelings are inspiring me to write this love letter?
  2. If I write only one short paragraph expressing my love, how will I convince my significant other that this paragraph is all I needed to write?
  3. What will this one paragraph say?

Answer for Your Significant Other

Answer each question for your significant other as if she or he asked you the question. In other words, direct your answers toward the recipient of your love letter. Take some time and put sincere thought into each of your answers, but limit each answer to a short paragraph between 3 to 5 sentences in length.

Finalize the Love Letter

Put a greeting before paragraph #1 and a few romantic closing remarks after paragraph #3. Proofread and sign your name at the bottom. It’s a wrap.
Here’s an example, a love letter I recently wrote to my wife:
I found myself sitting here tonight on our first anniversary reminiscing about all the unforgettable times we’ve shared together. Just thinking about it makes me glow inside. More so than being happy, I am proud to be part of something extraordinary, you.
I was going to write a lengthy, detailed letter confessing my unconditional love to you, but it would be somewhat of a waste. It would be a waste to write a letter so extensive when my feelings remain so logically simple in my mind. It only takes a few words to clearly describe how I feel about you.
To everyone else who knows you, you are a bright, capable over-achiever who is beautiful and remarkably confident. Without you, their lives would be a little more difficult and a little less pleasant. To me, you are me. Without you, I would not be me. I would not faintly resemble the man I am today.
It’s that simple.
Happy 1st Anniversary!
Love always,

START EARNING MONEY TODAY. Click on the banner below:

Working from home. You can do it

Maureen and David never thought that they would work from home but the recession and the fact that they have 4 small children to care for, made them look at business opportunities that they would otherwise glanced past.

"We always thought that owning your own business meant having a storefront downtown. But with the internet, it's possible to own your own business and make money from home."

And they have made money! Just last month, Maureen and David told us that she made up to $10,000 from their home office. According to Maureen, "it's enough to replace her old job's income and it only takes about 20 hours a week." Not a bad hourly rate!

Maureen and David are like a lot of people in the world today. She lost her job with the recession and her husband lost his source of income with bank and never had a job going to 12 months. Not only do they have to take care of the kids but have to face the stark reality staring at them: court has ejected them from their residential accommodation for non-payment of rent, their car had broken down for the past 10 months yet still having $71,450 outstanding debts to settle on the car, rent etc. They also have to provide some extra income for her young family.

"When the recession hit, David and I didn't know how we were going to survive. We lost equity on our house and I lost my job. Although David always go out for casual jobs it's not enough to feed, cloth, and care for four little ones. Fortunately, I found this opportunity online."

According to David, they are actually making $10000-$15000 per month from home online now.

According to him, "they didn't want to waste their time with "get rich quick" scams or pyramid schemes or stuff you have to sell to your friends and family. I just needed a legitimate way to earn a living while taking care of the kids, our accommodation and settle the piled up debts."

How this all came about? Maureen read one of our posts, clicked on a banner that redirected her to a page on how to "Create New Income Streams"which explained how she could go about working for herself while earning a nice living. Maureen figured she would give it a try since it didn't cost all that much to get started. Now, she's happy to report that she's doing better than she could have ever imagined.
"I'm not great with computers but I can use the internet. I followed simple instructions and now I'm working with Fortune 500 companies like Google, Walmart, PTC and GPT sites etc", Maureen said.

According to her, "there are plenty of scams on the internet claiming you can make $70,000 a month, but that is exactly what they are, scams. This kit, however, is not one of those!"

If you would like to take advantage of the same opportunity as Maureen, here's how to get started:

Click on the banner below:
(Making money has never been so easy. Get ready for your life to change.)